There’s More to Attendance Than Just Time

There’s More to Attendance Than Just Time

What is the best trait that a company could ask for an employee? It’s dependability. An employee who is reliable is very much an asset to the company than any other traits. As an employer, ask yourself which one is preferable? Having an excellent employee who is always not punctual and always absent or an average employee who is always available at the office, ready at your disposal. The thing is, the company cannot depend on someone who isn’t at work. Therefore, it’s safe to say that attendance is highly valued to other metrics such as productivity and quality. 
In the service industry for example, attendance is critical. Your front liners are the face of the brand and the absence of anybody must be replaced without fail. Hotels need to have receptionists, concierge staff, housekeeping personnel, restaurants, and etc. to run smoothly, failure to show up at work could turn into a crisis in the service industry. In the airline industry, airplanes need routine check up and servicing, people onboard need to be served, crews must be present! Absence of any staff must be replaced immediately without failure. Think about hospitals, factories, government bodies, and many more, the importance of attendance is second to none.
Attendance also plays an important role in places where teamwork is key. Absence of one team members burden more tasks for the rest of the team members. Absence of two team members burdens the rest of the team members even more. This eventually will have negative consequences to the other team members and will indeed affect the performance of the team if it’s not handled and corrected properly. For a job like sales, where an employee needs to handle a specific client at a specific time and his absence or tardiness could lose a company a large sum of deal proves that attendance is indeed something more than just time.
Attendance also is about learning. In a fast-paced business where employees need to be alert on any updates and changes, absence or tardiness of employee will definitely affect his overall performance. Working is continuous learning process and by being in the office a staff could encounter lots of different scenarios in the process where learning process is vital.
Now I assume that we agreed on the importance of attendance. And, when attendance system is concerned, what should a company look to accomplish? The ultimate goal is to achieve efficiency at the most optimal cost. How does TimeTec Cloud promote efficiency? 
At USD2 per user monthly, you know exactly the amount of time your company lost due to employees’ indiscipline, areas of time lost, the amount of lost your company is facing every month and you know exactly the people and the department that can be accountable for that. Having that sort of data in place, strategies can be planned to correct the areas that need improvements in an organization.
Now attendance system has entered a new era, the era of cloud technology. Forget about complicated IT system that you need to maintain and sustain at a much higher cost. Instead, look for the easy-to-use system that can do more for you at a scalable and efficient way, and most importantly, at the right price. 
Visit to find out what TimeTec Cloud Attendance can offer your organization.


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