Attendance Automation ADDS VALUE To Human Resources

Attendance Automation ADDS VALUE To Human Resources

What comes to mind
when Human Resource (HR) is mentioned? The majority links HR to recruitment,
staff administration and payroll, which is not wrong but HR tasks today are no
longer limited these roles only. The scope of HR now is larger and crucial in facilitating
the strategic development of an organization. Hence, companies need to find
ways to figure out the technology that can help with improving the process in
this particular area. 
Timesheet calculation,
payroll and report is just one part of the HR scope, however this task takes up
a large chunk of the HR department’s time and priorities due to its intricacy,
labor-intensive, time-consuming and time-sensitive nature, which leaves HR with
less time and concentration to tackle other issues such as training and development,
performance improvement, business sustenance, employee satisfaction, conflict
resolution among other various tasks.

With organizations
needing to respond to changes (industrial, market, seasonal) impacting
scheduling at the highest percentile (34%), followed by managing a culturally
 workforce with varied  performance and operational traditions (33%) coming in second and the
need to manage geographically disperse or mobile workers (31%) coming in last
among the top 3 pressures driving time and attendance issues in the workplace
(Aberdeen 2008),
HR is now required to maintain
a favorable working environment to achieve strategic development of a company by
managing an increasingly diverse workforce and increasingly disperse workers to
ensure the continuity of the company’s progress.

The question is,
how to reduce the time spent on staff timekeeping without interrupting the
monthly process while also ensuring smooth operation?  

FingerTec biometrics time clocks that are compatible with TimeTec Cloud
An easy solution
is that each company operates a timekeeper or time clock that ranges from
traditional punch card machines to Biometrics or NFC tags. Conventional methods
like the punch cards require manual data input, manual calculations and manual
interpretations. Not only does this take a lot of time to complete, it also
increases the chances of error that could cost the company extra money. Other
methods like access cards leaves the possibility of card-switching and
dishonest data, while the Biometric method offers convenience and precise data.
The technology used by time clocks is just a tool to collect the individual
staff’s working hours but more importantly, you have to look at the features
and functions offered by the software accompanying those tools.
Automation is the
key for HR to start with process improvement. The software needs to handle
automation effectively and produce results, analysis and reports whenever
Checklist of
features in attendance software:
  • Easily
    Accessible with Multi Level Permission

    – The data should be accessible by all levels with different authority levels
    for effective human resource management.
  • Collectively
    obtains all data from the clocking tools from various locations
    – No matter how many time clock readers are
    installed and the location of these readers, the software must be able to
    collect all the data on time all the time for an uninterrupted flow of data.
  • Automatically
    consolidates and saves all employee data
    – A good system only requires one time data input and it
    could be distributed as required without compromising the company’s security.
  • Matches
    all compliance and rules

    Each organization has its own employment rules and regulations and simultaneously
    is required to abide labor law of the land. Hence, the software needs to cater
    to the rules and compliance effortlessly. 
  • Administers
    shifts and scheduling correctly –
    and scheduling are the most complex part of managing human resources and to
    proceed to automation, the software must be able to handle shifts and
    scheduling correctly and effectively.
  •  Calculates
    time and wage correctly

    There are different sets of calculations for different working scenarios and
    schedules, hence the software needs to provide different calculations and
    produce correct calculations at all times.  
  • Integrates
    with payroll software seamlessly

    – When attendance data is in place and to further automate the system, inclusion
    of payroll is inevitable.
  • Provides
    reports as and when required

    – To determine ROI, compliance, and improvements, reports and analysis are
Automation must
tackle all issues of timesheet management, compliance, calculation and payroll
to reduce the HR department’s time spent on those areas so HR can contribute
positively in other areas for the benefit of the company. A 2009 study conducted by Harris Interactive Inc.
states that with as many as 69% of hourly employees admit to punching in and
out earlier or later than scheduled, while 21% of hourly employees admitting to
stealing company time and another 10% to putting additional time on their time sheet,
investing in a attendance automation software is an invaluable ally that “meets
your organization’s needs and integrates with your HR and payroll systems”,
leading to a “strong return on employee investment and a positive effect on
overall business results”. (Sage HRMS, 2013)



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