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New Features   •   August 2023
Web Mobile
TimeTec Leave
1. Enhancement of Approval Page - Display User Leave Balance
If you have been assigned as a leave Approver, you can either approve a user’s leave request from the web application or opt for the mobile app.

In order to ensure Approvers can easily view relevant information, we recently updated the Approval page on the web to display the user’s leave balance during the approval process.
TimeTec Attendance
1. Terminal - Proconnect (HikVision) - Sync User from Terminal
The next update caters for companies that are using HikVision devices. TimeTec Attendance is integrated with the HikVision Proconnect platform and this allows Admins to manage HikVision terminals at the Device > Terminal > Proconnect (HikVision) page.

In August, we added a new “Sync User From Terminal” function to support syncing the user’s details from a selected terminal to other bound terminals.

Please refer to the sample screenshots below for further details:

a) Manage Terminal - Added “Sync User From Terminal”
b) “Sync User From Terminal” Popup“
2. Attendance - Export Attendance – New Document Confidentiality Remark
To export attendance data, Admins can configure the Detail or Summary Schema by specifying the required column arrangements before generating the file at the Export Attendance page.

Recently, a document confidentiality reminder has been added to the report generation page for data protection purposes.
3. Notification Memo - Allow 1,000 Characters
In TimeTec Attendance, there is a function (Company > Notification > Memo) which allows Admins to construct a Memo (brief message) and set the date and time to send the memo to all TimeTec users.

In August, the limit on the number of characters allowed was increased to 1,000 characters to be consistent with settings in TimeTec HR app.
4. Terminal - Webster (FingerTec) - Show Fingerprint Warning Message
The next update is for companies using FingerTec terminals with the TimeTec Attendance solution. At the Device > Terminal > Webster (FingerTec) > Manage Terminal page, there is an “Upload User” function to enable upload of user data from the server to devices.

A new warning message is added as a reminder to verify that the fingerprint templates uploaded for all users can be successfully recognised by the devices.

a. Upload User - Show Fingerprint Warning Message during Upload User
Other Updates
TimeTec Attendance & TimeTec Leave
1. Enhancement of Encryption Method
We enhanced the encryption method for the Personal Identification Information (PII) data in database with AES Encryption for the following fields:

• Personal Identification Number
• Passport Number
• Password
Previous Issue:
July 2023
September 2022
September 2022
August 2021
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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