Mar 2014
TimeTec Cloud New Features
  Data Migration
One important consideration when it comes to changing system is data migration. Would the new system be able to accept and process the data migrated from the old system. TimeTec Cloud is designed to handle this and the new enhancement of the feature is its improved speed and stability during the migration process. The data migration feature of TimeTec Cloud also support over a 1000 employee data at one go.
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  Import User from Excel Sheet
TimeTec Cloud has improved the speed and stability of the system when importing employee data from Microsoft Excel worksheet and in addition to that, progress bar is now available to indicate the status of the process. at one go.
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  Technical Tips
To provide more convenience and assistance, TimeTec Cloud made available a few technical tips button to the application which include Migration Wizard, Import User Module, Report Module and My Library module.
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  My Library Enhancement
TimeTec Cloud has added a Default Library section, which provides templates of letter, memo and announcement useful to administration or human resource department. This section will be updated with more useful documents from time to time. A new “Add Web Link’ button is also made available to ease user’s handling.
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  Bugs Fixes
Resolved error in OT clocking range under Clocking Schedule module.
Resolved error display at report, where the amended attendance records shall be displayed in bold font type under Report module.
Resolved error while user login with operator privilege under Report module.
Previous Issue: Feb 2014Jan 2014
Note: Some of the screenshots viewed here might be different from the ones in the current system due to our continous effort to improve TimeTec Cloud from time to time.