iNeighbour Analytics | TimeTec

Comprehensive Overview & Single View, to Ease Residential Management
For Resident Association (RA), Joint Management Body (JMB) and Management Corporation (MC), i-Neighbour Analytics provides everything about your neighbourhood at a glance and drills down to every single detail for problem-solving.

Resident & i-Account Analytics

Security Analytics

Short Stay Analytics

VP & Defect Management Analytics

Attendance Analytics

Maintenance Analytics
Resident & i-Account Analytics
Maintenance & sinking fund collection
Occupancy rates
Defaulter analysis
Payment method analysis
Parking analysis
Facility Booking Analysis
Event Analysis
Many more
Better accounting control
Achieve owner and tenant satisfaction
Enhance security control
Speedy understanding of the true situation is crucial for the newly elected Joint Management Board (JMB) and management
Actionable analytics to boost efficiency
Security Analytics

Automate surveillance
Improve crime detection & prevention
Accelerate investigations
Attain situational awareness dynamically
Drive real time alerting proactively
Visitor analysis
Access control analysis
Video analytics
Identity detection
Guard tour analysis
Facility access analysis
Short Stay Analytics
Short stay customer analysis
Occupancy rates
Access control analysis
Enhance security
To improve satisfaction for short stay customers
Enhance management control
Owners' satisfaction with income improvement
VP & Defect Management Analytics
(For Developer only)
Defect statistics
Defect management analysis
VP & qualified VP analysis
VP progress analysis
To boost the efficiency of defect rectification
To improve the follow-up on VP management
To enhance progressive payment collection efficiency
To enhance satisfaction for house buyers
Attendance Analytics
Employee stat & profiles
Demographic data
Attendance analysis
Tardiness & absenteeism analysis
Prevent workplace misconduct
Increase productivity
Reduce attrition rate
Spot hidden pattern with machine learning
Maintenance Analytics
Time spent
Support & maintenance Cost
Cost by maintenance type
Downtime per asset
Corrective work order
Planned maintenance
Spart part inventory
Size of Backlog
Improve customer service
Reduce maintenance costs
Improve safety and compliance
Optimize field force
Detect fraud

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