TimeTec - Cloud Solutions for Smart City
Our Innovations
Unleashing Creativity with Endless Possibilities
CloudTrack 2012
Machines' Health Records

In 2012, we launched CloudTrack, a cloud platform to serve as a medical record for every FingerTec reader sold.

CloudTrack begins with this simple idea; that every respectful human being keeps a medical record for doctors to issue the right prescription in time of need. What if the same practice of health records applied to the machines?

We are pleased to consider a functional device as having a life of its own, and keeping a 'healthy body' all of time is fundamental for a machine to serve its master well.

There is a thread of health records keeping track of the devices' wellbeing in CloudTrack. And after a device is 'born' from the production line, its full "maternity" record i.e model, serial number, firmware version, core board and MCU version, and etc. would be uploaded to the CloudTrack for easy referencing. Resellers who bought devices are given the rights to access the records, they are encouraged to continue the trail by filling up where and to whom the device had finally gone to, and enrich the biodata whenever they provide technical support to a particular device.

With CloudTrack platform, we can ensure happier customers and prolong the life of every machine. As a result, the Company managed to extend FingerTec products’ warranty period to three years.