FingerTec News  05/01/2018
TimeTec: Now A Proud Member of MRCA
TimeTec was duly awarded with a Certificate of Membership during the MRCA’s monthly event that was held at Menara Maxis, Kuala Lumpur on 24th November 2017. Hence, TimeTec is now an official Associate Member of Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA).

Founded in 1992, MRCA acts as excellent avenue for retail businesses to network and exchange ideas, share resources and to promote the healthy expansion of the retail industry in Malaysia and abroad.

With this latest affiliation, TimeTec will now get to enjoy the many benefits of attending the Monthly Meeting Event that is aimed to provide members of the association with “Enriching Talks & Business Presentations”. Asides from learning about the current business trends, TimeTec is also given the valuable opportunity to present our latest TimeTec products towards other members of MRCA as well with the objective to assist them in managing their business’s processes better. TimeTec solutions such as TimeTec TA provides retailers with a better way to handle the workforce management better. Read about it at this link.

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