FingerTec News  05/07/2017
TimeTec Harnesses Cloud Ecology and AI
The Edge, June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017
Many companies put their customers first, shareholders second and employees third. Teh Hon Seng says he uses a slightly different approach. He puts employees first, customers second and shareholders third.

“When you take good care of your employees, they will be able to provide better quality products and services. Happy employees make happy customers,” he says.

“The company will be able to generate more profit. In return, the shareholders will be happy too. I think this is the right way to serve the company’s three most important stakeholders.”

Teh is CEO of TimeTec Group, which comprises TimeTec Holding Sdn Bhd, TimeTec Computing Sdn Bhd, TimeTec Cloud Sdn Bhd and TimeTec Cloud Ltd. the group provides biometric and cloud solutions for the workforce management and security industry.

Its products, namely the FingerTec solutions, include fingerprint and face recognition, work attendance and security systems. They are sold by resellers in more than 150 countries. Last year, the group recorded a turnover of RM20 million.

In 2013, Teh realised the enormous potential of the cloud business so he founded TimeTec.
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