TimeTec Helps Building Safer and Smarter Community through its
RM8 Million CSR Program
FingerTec News | 05/07/2019
According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, there are over 77,000 total property crimes committed throughout the nation in the year 2018 alone. This statistics is definitely a cause for concern considering that families consisting of women and children are at risk on a daily basis within their living enclave. In response to the need for better and smarter security, TimeTec has launched its Smart Community Solution under the brand i-Neighbour targeting residential neighbourhoods in an effort to combat arising security issues faced by communities. The implementation of i-Neighbour system in residential communities can reinforce their security systems and act as a preventative measure against burglary and other crimes.

As a leading provider in IoT and smart community, TimeTec is taking one proud step forward to initiate a pivotal CSR Program for residential communities in Malaysia by offering a staggering RM8 million total of sponsorship to a maximum of 600 lucky communities nationwide. With this amount, a single community is eligible to a sponsorship worth RM13,300 maximum consisting of i-Neighbour smart community system’s subscription and a guardhouse table for visitor management system, courtesy of one of i-Neighbour co-sponsors.

Apart from getting a sponsorship to upgrade the security level of a community, this CSR program also aims to introduce society to the latest technologies that complement their lifestyle such as IoT and Artificial Intelligence which can be adopted to create a better living environment.

This lucrative community grant is open for applications to any committee member of an active Joint Management Bodies (JMB) and Residents' Associations (RA) for both strata and non-strata titled, landed and high-rise residential communities in Malaysia.

The application is free and has to be submitted by 30th September 2019 via the link provided: CSR Application Form
TimeTec hopes that this program is able to raise the standards of community security to another level or at the very least educate the public about the importance of security in a living community.
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