FingerTectivity  05/10/2016
Happy People Create Amazing Employees
Which is better, an office without a pool table or an office with? For a conservative, a pool table might create a distraction but to work with a team of top and energetic people these days, injection of excitement is positive reinforcement for them to shake off their stress, relax, regroup and produce better results.

Another branch of TimeTec RnD Center in i-Tech Tower Cyberjaya, in level 5 has recently been opened and it is furnished with a pool table, a table tennis, dart board, massage chair, a Play Station, etc. for the staff to enjoy. Our group of system analysts and programmers welcome the addition of the game room in Cyberjaya and we’ll carry out tournaments in the future to include staff in the HQ to add to the fun.

Work will always be work but happy people at work would create amazing employees that can contribute better to the organization!

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