FingerTec News  05/11/2017
Come Join TimeTec Global Reseller Program
Cloud Business Made Easy
TimeTec Computing Sdn Bhd is a developer of cloud solutions for workforce and security industry offering cloud solutions such as TimeTec TA for time attendance and staff scheduling, TimeTec Leave for Employee Leave Management, TimeTec Hire for Recruitment, TimeTec Patrol for Security Guards Management, TimeTec VMS for Visitor Management and many more. All the solutions are offered online at an affordable rate and applicable to wide range of customers across various industries.

TimeTec Computing are actively looking for resellers from around the world to promote and sell TimeTec Cloud solutions to their markets through TimeTec Global Reseller Program. This program is a well-tailored program to help resellers conclude sales in no time and to reduce support cost for a more profitable operation. Through this program, we will guide you on how to secure a new cloud business in the shortest amount of time.

Watch this latest released video on TimeTec Global Reseller Program to better understand our unique program and be a part of our promising journey to Cloud business together.

Visit Global Reseller Program
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