TimeTec Claim is in the Pipeline
FingerTec News | 05/11/2020
TimeTec Claim is a cloud product that provides an easy way for businesses to manage various employee claims all year long. It simplifies the claim processes by automating all details of the claims and consolidating them into one accessible system by the authorized personnel and claimants.

TimeTec Claim promotes a Transparent, Streamlined and Standardized Claims Process
  Quicken the approval process
  Digitize all related details and documentations
  Reduce human errors in calculation
  Eliminate problems of time and distance
  Oversee status of claim application
  Increase compliance
Key Productivity-Increasing Features
Multi-levels Approval
 Unlimited Employees Creation & Access
 Auto-calculation of Claim Entitlement
Quick Check on Claim Status
 Unlimited Claim Types Creation
 Claim Amount Capping & Auto-Prorate Function
Effective Reminder & Notification Function
 Customizable Claim Items and Definable Fields
 Configuration of Claim Management Policy
Centralized Database
 Electronic Record History
 Advanced Reports
A promising solution to help you stay on top of the tasks that need a timely response
Keep documentation up-to-date & keep information at your fingertips
Access to files, templates for claims and other essential information
Decision making with a clear overview for company expenses budgeting
Easier to make expense request approval
Boost Your Internal Operation System

TimeTec Claim creates a user-friendly interface that will fit well to many specific needs organizations look for, supported with functions and features to improve the company’s claim performances.

Our developers are busy cooking TimeTec Claim, expected to meet the market in Q2 of 2021. Watch out for the announcement.