Hubot Got An Invite to GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab Launch Reception
FingerTec News | 04/10/2019
Hubot, TimeTec robot receptionist, alongside with another two robots, received an invitation from the event organizer, Jiggee (M) Sdn Bhd, to attend the reception of GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab Launch happening on the 25th September 2019.

On the second day of the 3-days event, Hubot was tasked to greet and work the crowd right off the entrance. The GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab is a GSMA-led global industry initiative that will take a hands-on approach to research, testing and the development of the inclusive technologies of the future.

Jiggee rented Hubot to amp up the high-tech look and feel for the launch.

Hubot can do the following acts:

Visitor Registration
Dancing to a tune
Crowd puller
Ice breaker
Talent in your opening ceremony

If you have an event that needs Hubot, contact us at

Rent Hubot
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