Debuting TimeTec Cloud Solutions in Vietnam
FingerTec News | 05/09/2019
Software as a Service (SaaS) is making its way around the world these last few years, and while this concept is somewhat novel to some, it is no longer foreign for many. Our presence at the Secutech Vietnam 2019 proved that the Vietnam market is accepting the SaaS concept, and they are excited about the features that TimeTec solutions get to offer.

From 14 to 16 August 2019, TimeTec Cloud Sdn. Bhd. had participated in this the largest business platform in Vietnam exhibited at the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. The Secutech Vietnam exhibition accommodated security, fire safety, smart building, and home solutions under one roof. Looking at the vast opportunity it presented for the Vietnam market, TimeTec showcased the cloud solutions for workforce and security to the throngs of visitors to the exhibition. The four leading solutions offered were TimeTec TA for attendance, TimeTec Leave for leave management, TimeTec Patrol for Guard Patrol Management, and TimeTec Access for mobile access control.
The visitors were fascinated with the mobility that TimeTec attendance and leave systems offer. For attendance TimeTec TA, employees can clock in and out from smartphones from anywhere at any time, complete with an audit trail, photo (option) and GPS information. This feature is a practical solution for the growing mobile employees in Vietnam. For TimeTec Leave, employees can apply for their leaves straight from the App on smartphone and get approved almost instantaneously by the superiors. The availability of current, up-to-date leave balance is another feature of TimeTec Leave that excites the visitors.
We Do Better
Leave Management

  TimeTec Leave

  TimeTec TA
TimeTec Patrol presented a new concept of the guard patrolling to the industry. The current guard stick doesn't provide real-time information to the control station, making patrol session activity a 'black box' phenomenon for a security company and its clients. TimeTec Patrol puts a stop to this blurriness by providing detail checkpoint by checkpoint patrol records of a guard to the system, providing a more precise overview to the supervisor and the company. Besides, the TimeTec Patrol also offers a communicative tool between guards and the control room whereby they can report any incidents or emergencies immediately complete with visual proof and an accurate account of the event. The use of Android smartphone as a patrol tool is also a plus point for many because the phone is readily available in the market and affordable.
A new solution presented in Secutech Vietnam 2019 is TimeTec Access, a mobile-based access control system that is using cloud technology, IoT device, and smartphone App to access a space. The idea of unlocking doors with a smartphone is rather new to the market, but it does provide them with an economical modern solution to access control. Integrate TimeTec Access with TimeTec BLE-5, the Bluetooth Low Energy controller, and control door with the App on your smartphone. Manage all the access devices, time zones, and permissions through TimeTec Access and get all the access details for audit and report purposes.

  TimeTec Access
For Vietnam, a country with robust economic growth in 2018 and labor-intensive in various industries, the introduction of TimeTec cloud solutions for the workforce is timely, to tackle the productivity and workforce cost-related challenges ahead. Secutech Vietnam 2019 provided us with an excellent headstart to penetrate the market with our efficient and cost-effective cloud-based TimeTec solutions.
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