9 to 5 Work Schedule (Saturday Half Day)
The most basic work schedule for regular office working hours.
Standard work schedule for office workers and non-shiftwork operations.
1.   8 hours per day, 5 days a week
2.   Repeat Cycle of 7 days
3.   Average hour of 40 per week
4.   Weekends off
Auto Create Roster: System will automatically create roster for this Schedule. Select Start Date for this Roster to take effect.

Note: You will need to manually create roster if you continue without Auto Create Roster.
Yes: Create New Schedule.
No: End the Operation.

Note: Assign users into roster can be done later at Assign Schedules and Users into Roster.
Assign User into Roster: Assign Users and preview Roster.
Generate Attendance of the assigned users and they are ready to use it.